What are the AKASHIC RECORDS? 

Akashic records are the birthright of every human being or conscious being. Every person is born with an alshic record that can help them to undertsand their life purpose and the reasons why they continue to face the same challenges in life.

The concept of the Akashic Records and the 5th element, or ether, as discussed by Aristotle, are intriguing topics that touch on different areas of philosophy and metaphysics.

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical idea that originated from Theosophy and Eastern spiritual traditions. They are often described as a sort of cosmic or universal library where every event, thought, word, and action that has ever occurred or will occur is recorded. The term ‘Akashic’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Akasha’, which means ‘either space.’ According to this belief, accessing the Akashic Records can provide insights into one’s life purpose, past lives, and spiritual growth. This is considered to be the BIRTHRIGHT of every living human and sentient being. A person is born with their own Akashic Records.

In contrast, the concept of ether (or quintessence) comes from ancient Greek philosophy, specifically from Aristotle. Aristotle proposed that there were four classical elements: earth, water, air, and fire. He added a fifth element, which he called ‘aether’ (or ‘quintessence’), to account for the heavenly spheres and celestial bodies. According to Aristotle, aether was a divine substance that made up the celestial realm, distinguishing it from the imperfect and mutable substances found in the earthly realm.

While these two ideas originate from different traditions and contexts, there are some interesting parallels: Both the Akashic Records and the concept of ether deal with the idea of a universal system that influences or records the nature of existence. The Akashic Records is a repository of all information and experiences, while ether is seen as a fundamental substance that makes up the universe and imparts movement and order to the cosmos.